Results for 'Stuart E. Rosenbaum'

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    Sentience.Stuart E. Rosenbaum - 1976 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 37 (4):578-580.
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    Denotation and Eliminative Materialism.Stuart E. Rosenbaum - 1976 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 36 (3):391.
    This paper continues the discussion of the theory of eliminative materialism. The argument of the paper is that there is a simple principle about denotation--Called "the principle of the use of inter-Denoting terms"--Which can be seen to be clearly and necessarily true, And also to be inconsistent with the theory of eliminative materialism.
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    Reason and Desire in Motivation.Stuart E. Rosenbaum - 1982 - Philosophical Topics 13 (9999):87-92.
    This paper seeks to find a middle way between the views of hume and kant on the issue of the motivation of action-hume holding reason to be important in the production of action, and kant holding action in accord with reason alone to be possible. it further suggests that sustaining the middle way requires insisting on an account of the nature of values different from that held by either hume or kant.
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    A note on the impossibility of rationalizing desire.Stuart E. Rosenbaum - 1984 - Journal of Value Inquiry 18 (1):63-67.
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    Pragmatism and Religion: Classical Sources and Original Essays.Stuart E. Rosenbaum (ed.) - 2003 - University of Illinois Press.
    Talks about American pragmatism that is a fertile soil for growth in Western religious thought.
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    Rortian rationality.Stuart E. Rosenbaum - 1986 - Metaphilosophy 17 (2-3):93-101.
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    Received by 25 January, 1989.Robert M. Baird, Stuart E. Rosenbaum, EIsie L. Bandman, Bertram Bandman Criti, Miehael D. Bayles & Kenneth Henley - 1989 - Teaching Philosophy 12 (1):103.
  8.  26
    Received by 1 November-31 December 1991.Robert M. Baird, Stuart E. Rosenbaum, Emmett Barealow Open Questions & An In - 1992 - Teaching Philosophy 15:1-15.
  9. The Property Objection and the Principle of Identity.Stuart E. Rosenbaum - 1977 - Philosophical Studies 32 (2):155-164.
    James cornman and r routley and v macrae have argued that the principle of identity (alias leibniz's law) is inconsistent with certain plausible and widely accepted identity statements; e.G., "the temperature of a gas is identical with the mean kinetic energy of the molecules of the gas." they argue on this ground that the principle of identity should be modified to remove this appearance of inconsistency. The requisite modification however, Removes whatever "metaphysical teeth" the unmodified version might have had. I (...)
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  10. Wallace I. Matson's "Sentience". [REVIEW]Stuart E. Rosenbaum - 1977 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 37 (4):578.
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    Euthanasia: the moral issues.Robert M. Baird & Stuart E. Rosenbaum (eds.) - 1989 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Essays discuss active and passive euthanasia, the right to die, and the care of the terminally ill.
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  12. The ethics of abortion: pro-life vs. pro-choice.Robert M. Baird & Stuart E. Rosenbaum (eds.) - 2001 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Essays cover the abortion situation before Roe v. Wade, Christians and abortion, abortion and the Constitution, abortion and moral philosophy, and the feminist perspective.
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    Books for review and for listing here should be addressed to the Review Edi tor: Erie Snider, Philosophy, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 43606, USA.Peter Aehinstein, W. S. Anglin, Faith Oxford, Robert M. Baird, Stuart E. Rosenbaum, Denise Breton & Christopher Largent - 1991 - Teaching Philosophy 14 (3).
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    Animal Experimentation: The Moral Issues.James L. Nelson, Robert M. Baird & Stuart E. Rosenbaum - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (5):43.
    Book reviewed in this article: Animal Experimentation: The Moral Issues. Edited by Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum.
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    Received by 1 November 1989.David Applebaum, Sarah Verone Lawton, Robert M. Baird, Stuart E. Rosenbaum, Miehael D. Bayles, Kenneth Henley, N. J. Hillsdale, Lawrenee Erlbaum Associ, N. J. HilIsdale & Lawrenee Erlbaum Assoei - 1989 - Teaching Philosophy 12 (4).
  16. Almeder, Robert, Human Happiness and Morality: A Brief Introduction to Ethics (Amherst: Prometheus Books, 2000), 211 pages. Audi, Robert, Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge (London: Routledge, 1998), 340 pages. [REVIEW]Robert Baird, Reagan Ramsower, Stuart E. Rosenbaum, Victoria Davion, Clark Wolf, John Martin Fischer, S. J. Mark Ravizza, Margaret Gilbert, Christopher W. Gowans & Jorge J. Gracia - 2000 - The Journal of Ethics 4:419-422.
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  17. Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum, eds., Animal Experimentation: The Moral Issues Reviewed by.Doug Simak - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (1):1-3.
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  18. Robert Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum, eds., Pornography: Private Right or Public Menace? Reviewed by.Randal Marlin - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (2):77-79.
  19. Robert M. Baird and Stuart E. Rosenbaum, eds., Punishment and the Death Penalty Reviewed by.Jordan Steiker - 1996 - Philosophy in Review 16 (1):3-5.
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  20.  43
    Confrontations with the Reaper: A Philosophical Study of the Nature and Value of Death.Stephen E. Rosenbaum - 1995 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 55 (1):233-236.
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    Dilemmas in Paying for Clinical Research: The View from the IRB.Stuart E. Lind - 1987 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 9 (2):1.
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    Eteocles' Moral Awareness in Aeschylus' Seven.Stuart E. Lawrence - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (4):335-353.
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    A humane society.Stuart E. Rosenberg - 1962 - [Toronto]: Published for Beth Tzedec Congregation by University of Toronto Press.
    Their general theme might be taken as, "What is the way which man ought to choose for himself?" The debate they encourage by these stimulating and frank contributions will be welcomed by those of all faiths and traditions interested in the quality of our society.
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  24. What Do We Believe.Stuart E. Rosenberg & Andrew M. Greeley - forthcoming - The Stance.
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  25. The Five-Stage Model of Adult Skill Acquisition.Stuart E. Dreyfus - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (3):177-181.
    The following is a summary of the author’s five-stage model of adult skill acquisition, developed in collaboration with Hubert L. Dreyfus. An earlier version of this article appeared in chapter 1 of Mind Over Machine: The Power of Human Intuition and Expertise in the Era of the Computer (1986, Free Press, New York).
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  26. Motor Control: Models.Liana E. Brown & David A. Rosenbaum - 2002 - In Lynn Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillan.
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    The Ethical Implications of the Five-Stage Skill-Acquisition Model.Stuart E. Dreyfus & Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (3):251-264.
    We assume that acting ethically is a skill. We then use a phenomenological description of five stages of skill acquisition to argue that an ethics based on principles corresponds to a beginner’s reliance on rules and so is developmentally inferior to an ethics based on expert response that claims that, after long experience, the ethical expert learns to respond appropriately to each unique situation. The skills model thus supports an ethics of situated involvement such as that of Aristotle, John Dewey, (...)
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    The Institutional Review Board: An Evolving Ethics Committee.Stuart E. Lind - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (4):278-282.
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    Business ethics books: A bookshop survey. [REVIEW]Stuart E. Dawson - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 30 (4):401 - 404.
    This paper discusses the extent to which books about business ethics are purchased or read outside of tertiary institutions in Australia, whether the subject is commonly perceived as business, philosophy or both, what range of business ethics books is commonly offered for purchase, and what conclusions might be drawn from the above considerations. Investigation shows that the range and availability of business ethics books is quite limited outside of tertiary institutions, and that the general perception is that business ethics is (...)
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    A Model Program for RCR Instruction for Early-Career Faculty Investigators with NIH K-Awards.Stuart E. Ravnik & Elizabeth Heitman - 2023 - Teaching Ethics 23 (2):271-284.
    National Institutes of Health’s policies for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) instruction for individual career development awards (K-awards) stress appropriateness to the career stage and tailoring to the individual’s needs. Early-career faculty have unique needs for RCR instruction. While our institution requires RCR education for ALL graduate students and postdoctoral trainees, we found that many K-awardees 1) are early-career faculty not eligible to participate in postdoc programs, and 2) many had received formal RCR instruction at only basic or intermediate levels. (...)
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    Totally Model-Free Learned Skillful Coping.Stuart E. Dreyfus - 2004 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 24 (3):182-187.
    The author proposes a neural-network-based explanation of how a brain might acquire intuitive expertise. The explanation is intended merely to be suggestive and lacks many complexities found in even lower animal brains. Yet significantly, even this simplified brain model is capable of explaining the acquisition of simple skills without developing articulable rules for behavior or a model of the skill domain or an explicit identification of which observables in the environment are necessary for skillful behavior. Furthermore, no memories of prior (...)
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    A Modern Perspective on Creative Cognition.Stuart E. Dreyfus - 2009 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 29 (1):3-8.
    Influenced by recent neuroscientific research, the author proposes that the cognition underlying creativity should be seen as a sequential process requiring the appropriate interspersing of both intuitive and analytical modes of thought. Each of these modes may concern itself with either identifying the information that is the focus of potentially creative cognition or with the creative perspective from which to view the information. Here, perspective refers to the salience of various elements of the information set, of which some elements might (...)
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  33.  49
    On the proper treatment of Smolensky.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Stuart E. Dreyfus - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1):31-32.
  34.  19
    Inadequacies in the decision analysis model of rationality.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Stuart E. Dreyfus - 1978 - In A. Hooker, J. J. Leach & E. F. McClennen, Foundations and Applications of Decision Theory: Vol.II: Epistemic and Social Applications. D. Reidel. pp. 115--124.
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  35. Revisiting the Six Stages of Skill Acquisition.B. Scot Rousse & Stuart E. Dreyfus - 2021 - In B. Scot Rousse & Stuart E. Dreyfus, Teaching and Learning for Adult Skill Acquisition: Applying the Dreyfus & Dreyfus Model in Different Fields. Charlotte, NC, USA: pp. 3-28.
    The acquisition of a new skill usually proceeds through five stages, from novice to expert, with a sixth stage of mastery available for highly motivated performers. In this chapter, we re-state the six stages of the Dreyfus Skill Model, paying new attention to the transitions and interrelations between them. While discussing the fifth stage, expertise, we unpack the claim that, “when things are proceeding normally, experts don’t solve problems and don’t make decisions; they do what normally works” (Dreyfus & Dreyfus, (...)
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  36. The challenge of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of embodiment for cognitive science.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Stuart E. Dreyfus - 1999 - In Gail Weiss & Honi Fern Haber, Perspectives on Embodiment: The Intersections of Nature and Culture. Routledge. pp. 103--120.
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  37. Making a mind versus modeling the brain: AI at a crossroads.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Stuart E. Dreyfus - 1988 - Daedalus.
  38. How to stop worrying about the frame problem even though it's computationally insoluble.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Stuart E. Dreyfus - 1987 - In Zenon W. Pylyshyn, The Robot's Dilemma: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence. Ablex. pp. 95--112.
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    What artificial experts can and cannot do.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Stuart E. Dreyfus - 1991 - AI and Society 6 (1):18-26.
    One's model of skill determines what one expects from neural network modelling and how one proposes to go about enhancing expertise. We view skill acquisition as a progression from acting on the basis of a rough theory of a domain in terms of facts and rules to being able to respond appropriately to the current situation on the basis of neuron connections changed by the results of responses to the relevant aspects of many past situations. Viewing skill acquisition in this (...)
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    A Short History Of Providing Medical History Within The British Medical Undergraduate Curriculum.N. H. Metcalfe & E. Stuart - 2014 - Medical Humanities 40 (1):31-37.
    This article aims to discuss the history of medical history in the British medical undergraduate curriculum and it reviews the main characters and organisations that have attempted to earn it a place in the curriculum. It also reviews the arguments for and against the study of the subject that have been used over the last 160 years.
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  41. Teaching and Learning for Adult Skill Acquisition: Applying the Dreyfus & Dreyfus Model in Different Fields.B. Scot Rousse & Stuart E. Dreyfus (eds.) - 2021 - Charlotte, NC, USA:
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    Peace Through Tourism: Commerce Based Principles and Practices. [REVIEW]Stuart E. Levy & Donald E. Hawkins - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (4):569 - 585.
    While tourism's positive contributions to societies have long been debated, commerce based tourism activities can strengthen peaceful societies by adhering to sustainable tourism principles. This study utilizes content analysis to examine 136 tourism practices from four major awards programs for their contributions to sustainability and peace. Specific practices which illuminate each of these contributions are highlighted. The findings reveal the most common initiatives focus on environmental quality, economic development, and community nourishment efforts, with substantially less focus on initiatives to engage (...)
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    Moral Considerations in Epistemic Conceptions of Democracy.Stuart Rosenbaum - 2010 - Southwest Philosophy Review 26 (1):163-170.
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    How to be a Graceful Footnote to Plato.Stuart Rosenbaum - 2009 - Southwest Philosophy Review 25 (1):1-13.
  45.  14
    Pragmatism and the Reflective Life.Stuart Rosenbaum - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Pragmatism and the Reflective Life explains the moral perspective embedded in the pragmatist tradition of American philosophy and offers pragmatist moral thought as an alternative to analytic moral theory. By contrasting the commitments of pragmatism with most Western philosophical traditions, this book brings into focus the inclusive idealism that informs the American intellectual tradition.
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    A Virtue of Dewey’s Moral Thought.Stuart Rosenbaum - 1994 - Southwest Philosophy Review 10 (1):187-197.
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    Heikes on Being Reasonable.Stuart Rosenbaum - 2012 - Southwest Philosophy Review 28 (2):75-79.
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    Recovering Integrity: Moral Thought in American Pragmatism.Stuart Rosenbaum - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This book brings integrity to the center of philosophical conversations about morality and traces its roots as a philosophical idea to the American pragmatist tradition.
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    Race, Justice and American Intellectual Traditions.Stuart Rosenbaum - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Some American intellectual traditions, although pristine in appearance, are racist at their core. This book reveals the racism inherent in those Platonist and Enlightenment moral traditions that motivate much contemporary rhetoric. Part One contains five chapters of substantial critique, while Part Two contains four chapters of constructive suggestion explaining how indigenous American traditions of thought about morality avoid the racism of conventional Western moral thought that dominates political rhetoric. This book, because of its focus, thesis, and brevity, will be useful (...)
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    Relativism, Pragmatism, and John Dewey.Stuart Rosenbaum - 2013 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 87 (2):321-345.
    The charge of relativism is regularly leveled against pragmatists. The best response to this charge appears in the work of John Dewey. Contemporary pragmatists such as Richard Rorty and Hilary Putnam frequently bear the brunt of that charge, although they do not rebut the charge as effectively as does Dewey himself. This essay brings focus to the charge of relativism against pragmatists and turns it aside by recourse to an essay of Dewey’s from 1908 that specifically focuses on issues of (...)
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